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One of the most challenging things about picking any type of clothing is balancing comfort with style. This is especially true when it comes to the various types of fur coats available. You want to look great with your new fur, but you also don’t want to be uncomfortable wearing it throughout the day. The good news is when you custom design a real fur coat, you can discover the perfect balance. A custom-designed fur coat is well worth the time and effort and you’ll have a beautiful garment you can wear for years to come. Here’s what you need to know about the custom designing process.

Always Start With Correct Measurements

Every real fur coat that fits perfectly starts with getting the correct measurements. It has to fit well on your shoulders, in the sleeves, around the torso, and everywhere else. What’s most important is having a professional furrier take these measurements rather than doing it yourself with a friend. You can likely get accurate measurements, but those measurements might not be what you need for the real fur coat to fit how you like. For example, if you want your fur coat to fit a little looser than normal, then a professional furrier can adjust the measurements accordingly. This is difficult to accomplish on your own so it’s always worth visiting a professional for accurate measurements.

Think About Your Personality And Style

A custom-designed real fur coat should reflect your personality and style. A mink fur coat is one of the most elegant and affordable types of fur coats. Consider how much you plan on wearing the fur coat, where you want to wear it, and what type of fashion statement you want to make. Your fur coat should look great for many years with proper care, so take your time in choosing the options you want to enjoy for a long time.

How Often Do You Plan On Wearing Your Fur Coat?

If you only want a real fur coat to wear to formal gatherings like business meetings, weddings, or other similar events, then you can opt for more elegant types of fur coats. But if you want to wear your fur coat more often throughout the year for evening events, at your office, or simply going shopping, then something more casual is ideal. A mink fur coat is a popular option because it is so versatile. It’s warm enough to wear during the winter, but still cool enough to wear during the spring and summer months in some situations. As long as your fur coat fits you correctly, you can wear it as often as you like.

Customization Is All About Comfort

Sometimes people make the mistake of thinking customization should be solely about style. When they put too much time and effort into style, they often forget about the comfort aspects. Then they might not wear it as much anymore and don’t think the customization process was worth it. The truth is a custom-designed real fur coat should start and end with comfort. Prioritize getting accurate measurements and choosing a real fur coat that feels comfortable to you. There are numerous types of fur coats to choose from, so be patient with your selection and find the perfect fit.

Morris Kaye & Sons is here to help you with all of your real fur coat needs. We have professional furriers on standby ready to take custom measurements so you can find the perfect fit. We also have a wide selection of furs so you can look and feel different options. Our goal is to ensure you are comfortable and confident with your selection and we help you think through the various options.

Whether you are shopping for a new fur coat to add to your collection or want to repurpose an old one in your closet, we are here to help. Our fur restyling services can customize your old fur and turn it into essentially a new fur coat. Feel free to contact us at any time to learn more about your fur coat options.