When most people hear about fur coats, they think of the long, luxurious fur coats you often see rich women wear during the winter to their posh events. Rarely do you hear of men’s fur coats. So does this mean that men just don’t wear furs? Years ago, everyone wore furs because they were warm, comfortable and the fur was widely available because they hunted animals for food anyway. Today, fur coats seem to be more of a luxury, which means fewer men wear them.
Men’s fur coats don’t come in as many styles as their female counterparts. This is because men typically wear fur coats for the functionality rather than the style. Although some men do wear them as a statement of fashion, many men choose them because they are so warm. In general, you will find fur coats for men in several styles, including a bomber jacket and full-length coat. However, if you look at the women’s fur coats, you will find an abundance of styles.
Women seem to be attracted to the unique fur coats, including a wide variety of colors and markings that create a sense of style for the wearer. However, when you look at men’s fur coats, you will notice an entirely different trend. Instead of a vast array of bright or light colors in various marking patterns, men’s coats will typically come only in darker colors, such as black or dark brown. This is because men wear fur coats for entirely different reasons than women do. Men typically wear them for their warmth, not to show off to those around them.
Financial Status
Some men simply wear fur coats as a sign of their financial status. Most people are aware that fur coats can be expensive. This means if you see a man wearing a fur coat, odds are he has the money to spare. While this isn’t the only reason men wear fur coats, it can be a big deciding factor.
While you probably won’t see a lot of men sporting men’s fur coats, it doesn’t mean that men don’t wear them. The men who do choose to wear them may do so for a variety of reasons, including portraying their financial status or to benefit from the extreme warmth they provide. When you are looking at men’s fur coats, though, you will notice distinct differences between the coats for men and those for women. Men’s coats tend to come in more limited styles in only dark colors, providing men with a sleek look.