Both men and women can find some great fur fashions to keep them warm in the cold winter months, while providing a level of fashion typical coats just can’t provide. When you look at the various fur coats available, some of them may seem obviously designed for men or women, but some of them may not be so clear. So how do you tell the difference between fur coats for women and fur coats for men?
The Cut of the Coat
While there are many styles from which men and women can choose for fur coats, the cut of the coat can actually play a significant role in whether it was designed for a man or woman. Fur coats for men often leave more room in the shoulders, while those designed for women will allow for more room in the chest area. Women’s fur coats are also more fitted than men’s options. In general, the coat styles will follow some of the typical fashion styles in clothing.
The Buttons
The buttons used on a fur coat won’t vary much to help you distinguish between men’s and women’s fashions; however, the placement of those buttons can play a role. For instance, women’s coats will button left over right, while men’s coats will button in the other direction. It may be difficult to distinguish this difference unless you are putting on the coat. When you try to button the coat, you are likely to feel uncomfortable if it buttons in the opposite direction you are used to.
Check the Label
While most clothing isn’t likely to put the gender of the intended wearer on the label, fur fashions are handled differently. Some furriers do place the gender clearly on the label to ensure anyone who is shopping for fur coats can find the ideal options to meet their needs. If you still aren’t sure who a particular coat was designed for, talking to someone at your local furrier can help you decide which coat will work best for your needs.
Consider Customization
In some cases, you may find a beautiful fur coat you love, but it isn’t designed with you in mind. You may feel as if you can just wear it the way it is or choose a different coat so you can wear something designed for your body style; however, this isn’t always the case. Instead, you may talk to your furrier about customizing fur coats for men so they look great on a woman or vice versa. They know how to make slight style changes so the fur coat that has caught your eye can become the ideal purchase.
Heavier Furs
While not a clear indicator whether fur coats were designed for men or women, heavier furs tended to be geared toward men than women. Women often seek the warmth and comfort furs can provide, but they don’t want to wear an extremely heavy coat that will weigh them down. For this reason, most women’s fur coats will be lighter weight so women can enjoy all the benefits of fur without the heaviness.
Fur Accents
Another feature that often sets fur coats for men apart from those women typically wear is fur accents. Many women’s fur coats use both accents and fur throughout the coat; however, men’s coats are more likely to feature only fur accents, such as a fur collar or fur lining. This is because men typically only want the fur for warmth rather than fashion. This shouldn’t be the only indicator you use to determine whether a coat is designed for a man or a woman.
When you go shopping for fur coats, you need to know how to tell the difference between one designed for men and one designed for women. While there may be subtle differences that are easy to identify, there are other key factors that can tell you quickly whether the coat you have your eye on is a fur coat for men or one designed with women in mind. Once you can tell the difference, you can find amazing fur coat finds at rummage sales, antique sales and more. You could even find a great deal you might have otherwise passed up if you thought it was meant for someone other than you.
If you are looking for high quality fur fashions, contact us. Our professional furrier takes great pride in creating great new fashions you can be proud to wear.