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Sable and Lipicat jacket
Fur Storage
It is important to the longevity of your coat to store it well.

Deciding when it is time to store your fur coat can be difficult, especially if you just aren’t sure about fur storage to begin with. Some people think they can just put their fur coat in the closet and leave it there until next winter. However, if you do that, you will be disappointed in the longevity of your fur coat. Without the proper storage conditions, your fur coat won’t last long. Therefore, it is important to know when to store your fur coat.

End of Winter

Once the cold weather is done, it is time to think about putting your fur into storage. Fur storage will keep your fur coats at low temperatures and the proper humidity to ensure that they last a long time. If you keep your fur coat in your home through the warmer summer months, even with air conditioning, you will find that your fur coat will dry out and begin to lose its fur, making it useless to you. Therefore, as soon as you are sure you will no longer need your fur coat, it is time to put it into storage.

Periods of No Use

Even if is the perfect weather for wearing fur coats, you may want to put your fur coat into storage any time you aren’t going to be wearing it for a long period of time. For instance, if you have an extremely fancy fur coat you only use for very important occasions, you may not want it taking up space in your home in between. Therefore, it is often best to put them in storage until you are ready to use them.

Inherited Furs

When you inherit a fur, you may not know if or when you will ever wear it. While you are making the decision to keep the fur or get rid of it, you should put it into storage so nothing happens to it. If you leave it in your closet, a cedar chest, the basement or the attic, you will find the fur coat damaged before you know it. Then you won’t be able to wear it or sell it. Putting it into storage while you decide is your best choice.

Knowing when to put your fur coats into fur storage is extremely important. Anytime you won’t be wearing your fur coat for a long period of time, it is better to put it into storage. Even if you wear it all the time, you should put it into storage as soon as the weather allows you to put it away.