There are a variety of fur types out on the market that can allow you to create just the look you desire with your fur coats. When it comes to choosing fox fur coats, there are many ways you can use to enhance your look with a coat that contains at least some fox fur. Knowing how to achieve that enhancement can help you choose the best option to create the result you are seeking.
Silver Fox
One of the most distinctive types of fox fur you can choose is the silver fox. In many cases, silver fox fur isn’t used for full fur coats, though you can find some in this beautiful mixture of black, gray and white luxurious fur. Instead of using this fur for a full coat, it is more often used for collars, cuffs, stoles or wraps, such as the Blackcross Mink with Russian Silver Fox Trim or the Stencilled Muskrat Fur Jacket with Silver Fox Collar. This creates an elegant look combined with one of any number of other types of fur for a fun look.
Red Fox
When most people think about fox, they think of a red fox. This makes it a popular option when you are dealing with fox fur coats. In general, there are two types of red fox from which you can choose to achieve the exact look you desire. The North American red fox features fur that is long and soft to the touch. The European red fox has flatter fur that has a silky appearance. This is why it is important to pay attention to they type of coat you want. Some of your options for red fox fur include the Canadian Cherry Red Fox Vest or the Cat Lynx Jacket with Red Fox Trim. No matter how you wear it, the red fox fur can be truly stunning.
Fox comes in a variety of colors and fur types. If you are looking to enhance your look with the addition of a fur coat, choosing one that at least uses some fox fur will provide you with a sophisticated look, especially when you choose fox fur as an accent instead of a full fur. As you consider your options, you are more likely to need to choose between silver fox and red fox, each with its own unique features to create an entirely different look to your wardrobe.