When you are looking at fur coats and trying to determine which one is the right one for you, it can be a little overwhelming. How do you choose just one fur type or color? Luckily today, you don’t have to. There are a variety of coats and jackets that are made with two fur types, one type for the body and another for the collar, cuffs or any other trim on the coat. Purchasing a coat like this is a great way to get both fur types you like without having to sacrifice.
Two Looks in One
The largest benefit of purchasing a coat with two fur types is the ability to have the look and feel of both types. A jacket, such as the Cat Lynx Jacket with Fox Trim, offers the beauty of the cat lynx with the luxury of the fox trim. Since fox is quite long and luxurious, you might not want your entire jacket made from this material but having it only on the trim gives you the perfect amount without going overboard.
Accessorize with Fur
If you choose a jacket, such as the Shearling Jacket with Fox Collar and Belt, you get the neatness of the shearling with the luxury of the fox collar. This gives you the luxury of beautiful fur on a practical jacket you can wear with just about anything for any occasion. Taking the time to find furs that offer this versatility will allow you to get the most out of your jacket or coat, rather than purchasing one that only gets worn a handful of times.
Try New Furs
If you have always wanted to own a jacket with a fur, such as silver fox, but don’t want a jacket that is 100 percent silver fox, such as the Russian Silver Fox Jacket, you can look around for those that offer fox trim, fox cuffs or small amount of fox fur in other areas of the jacket.
When you purchase fur coats that are made from two types of furs, you give yourself plenty of versatility in your wardrobe. There are a large number of jackets and coats that offer two types of furs, typically one short hair and one with longer hair as the accessory fur to allow you to have a luxurious jacket that is practical and easy to wear.