If you have inherited a beloved relative’s vintage fox fur coat, you might find yourself wondering just what to do with it. Chances are you are not going to wear it as is since the styles have likely changed many times since your relative wore it. But you probably don’t want to get rid of it either, especially if it has sentimental value. Rather than letting it sit in the back of your closet and collect dust, you can have it restyled to make it fit into your wardrobe.
Major Changes
If you do not like the style of the fur coat your relative left in your name, you can have the entire coat restyled. This could include having it dyed, sheared or hemmed or a combination of several methods. Take a close look at the length, fit and color of the coat before you make any major decisions. Many people shy away from making too many major changes because the coat might not look anything like its original. For some women, shortening the length or dying the coat is enough to give it the style they desire. For others, however, it is necessary to change the entire coat to meet their exact wardrobe needs.
More often than not, one of the most important changes women want to make is dying their vintage fox fur. This enables them to keep the style of the coat, while giving it a fresh color that complements their current style, as well as their skin and hair color. If you want a different color, talk to your furrier about the colors that would work best with the fur you wish to restyle.
Make It into Accessories
If you are just not the type of person who wears fur coats, you can have your vintage fox fur restyled into something completely different. Talk to your furrier about the quality of the fur to determine your exact options. There are many fur accessories you can have your fur coat turned into, including purses, scarves, jewelry and gloves.
There are numerous things you can have done to your vintage fox fur to preserve the sentimental value of receiving a fur from a relative. A quality furrier can provide you with advice regarding what would work best in regard to restyling your fur. It is best to listen to their advice so you don’t do more damage to the coat than necessary to alter it.