Mink stoles have long been a unique way for people to express a sense of style and sometimes even as a symbol of stature. Whether you choose to buy one on your own or you have inherited fur wraps from a relative, you need to be able to determine which ones are worth money and which ones aren’t even worth a second look. Understanding the value of these fur stoles can allow you to truly enjoy them for what they really are.
Feel the Furs
One of the easiest ways to determine if you are dealing with legitimate mink fur for your fur wraps is to touch the fur. Make sure the pelt beneath the fur is actually soft and flexible, not hard and stiff. This can indicate the presence of man-made materials rather than the natural pelts of the mink fur you are looking for. In addition to checking the actual pelt, it is also important to feel the fur. The mink fur should be extremely soft to the touch. However, not all soft fur is mink fur so it is still important to evaluate the value of your new stole in other ways as well.
Seek Professional Help
Before you go around telling people about the mink stoles that are now in your possession, it is important to see a furrier who knows how to check which type of fur you have and its quality. Sometimes it isn’t faux fur you have to worry about; instead, you have to worry about the quality of the fur itself. A professional furrier will be able to look at your fur, feel it and go over it with their trained eye to help you determine the exact value of your fur wraps so you can feel confident you have received a legitimate piece.
Proper Care
Whether you are buying the fur stoles secondhand or you have inherited them, it is important to make sure they have received the proper care in their lifetime. The professional furrier will also be able to determine if it has been cared for properly. Without the proper care, fur wraps may need repairs when you first obtain it. You may also need to clean it. When you aren’t wearing the fur stoles for a long period of time, you need to evaluate the importance of professional storage or decide if you will be able to store it on your own.
If you have come across mink stoles and would like to evaluate the value of the stole and whether it is real, it is important to know what to look for. Some of the aspects you will be able to identify on your own. Others, though, will require the help of the professionals. Combined with the proper care, you will be able to enjoy your fur stoles for many years to come.