Fur coats are a great way to stay warm and fashionable in the winter months. In fact, many people purchase furs and pass them on to their family members when they are gone. However, when this happens, the fur may not be the right style or may not even fit you right. Even a fur you purchased for yourself may not hold up to your standards over time. In these situations, fur restyling can be your best option. The next step is determining when to have your fur restyled.
Summer Is Best
If you really take the time to think about, fur recycling is something that is best done when you aren’t going to be wearing the coat anyway. This means spring, summer and early fall are the ideal time to take your coat in for fur restyling. Because it can sometimes take several weeks to fully transform your furs, especially if you are making major changes, it is best to take it in as early as possible at the start of summer. As soon as you are sure you are done wearing the furs for the year, talk to your furrier about what changes are possible for your coat and which ones you would like to make.
Before Storing Your Coat
Putting your coat into fur storage is important if you won’t be using it for a long period of time. Most people don’t have the controlled environment that is necessary to keep fur coats as healthy as possible. Even if you know you won’t be wearing your coat for the season, it is best to keep it in storage. If you will be storing your coat through the winter months anyway, you may want to consider having your furrier restyle it during this time period as well. However, it is important to keep in mind that furriers are not as busy during the summer months.
Fur restyling is the great way to change the look or the fit of fur coats of many kinds. Whether you have inherited the furs or you purchased them in the past and would like to change them, talking to your furrier about the options for fur recycling is your best option. If you are thinking about changing your furs, doing so in the summer months is best, though it can also be done in the winter months if you will be storing your furs for the winter as well.