Fur coats are more than just something you can wear to keep warm in the winter months. Instead, the purchase of real fur coats should be seen as more of an investment. If you have never considered a winter fur coat as an investment, it can be useful to understand the value of spending that amount of money on your next coat purchase and to learn how to properly care for this investment.
Exercise Proper Care
Taking care of fur coats should be your top priority. When you are using it as a winter fur coat, keep it in a closet with plenty of room to breathe. Never store it in a plastic bag or with moth balls. During the off season, take your real fur coat to your local furrier to be cleaned, inspected and stored. Trying to store your fur coat on your own in your home can lead to problems that will negatively affect the longevity of the coat. Even though proper fur storage is not free, it will save you from having to purchase a new fur coat too soon.
Appraise Your Coat
Fur coats carry more value than any other coat you may own. This is why it is so important to have it appraised by a professional furrier. Most homeowner’s insurance policies will not cover the cost of replacing a damaged or stolen fur coat under your typical policy. Instead, you will need to purchase an additional rider to your policy, making a full appraisal a necessity to protect your investment. Don’t forget to update this appraisal on a regular basis to ensure you have the right coverage to pay for your coat should something happen to it.
Consider a Modification
Just because you like the style of your fur coat today doesn’t mean you will like your winter fur coat in a few years. If you are unhappy with the way your real fur coat looks, consider getting a modification done instead of purchasing a whole new coat. A modification can involve minor changes to the style of the coat or they can involve completely taking the fur coat apart and turning it into something else. Talk to your furrier to determine what options will work with your coat.
Your winter fur coat should be considered an investment, especially when you consider its cost. These coats are often well made and are meant to last a long time. Taking proper care of your real fur coat and getting it appraised so you can get insurance coverage for it are all ways you can ensure its longevity. Even if your sense of style changes and you want something a little different, a modification can help you make the changes you need.
If you are thinking about investing in a real fur coat, contact us. We can help you find the perfect investment that will last you a lifetime.