You take good care of real fur coats, but regardless of how well you perform regular care and storage, damage can still occur, especially as your coat gets older. This can leave you wondering, “How do I repair a damaged fur coat?” It’s important to make sure you know what to do if your coat is damaged. With the winter weather coming to a close, now is the ideal time to get your fur coat inspected and then complete any necessary fur coat repair. Whether you’re dealing with vintage fur coats or newer coats, working with a professional is essential to protect the integrity of your coat and your investment.
Special Tools Are Required
One of the biggest reasons you should turn to the professionals for fur coat repair is because real fur coats require specialized tools to ensure the fur is maintained and not damaged further during the repair process. Many of these tools are unavailable to the general public or may be too expensive to purchase for the sole purpose of making one repair. Professional furriers have the right tools to complete any repair you may need, which means you won’t spend more money on the items you need to make a repair that could end up damaging your coat further.
Repairing Loose Pelts
If you’ve ever seen real fur coats being made, you would notice they aren’t made from one continuous pelt of fur, nor are they randomly sewn together. Instead, real fur coats are more commonly made from strips of fur that are lined up horizontally and sewn together. This creates a continuous piece of fur that can be used to create coats in a variety of styles. As your coat gets older and goes through regular wear and tear, it isn’t uncommon for some of these pelts to become loose. Your furrier has the skills necessary to sew them back together so you can once again enjoy your luxurious fur coat.
Restoring Rips
While coming apart at the seams is a more common problem, if your fur coat gets caught on something and a tear occurs in an area other than the seam, it will require a more careful repair. Furriers are experienced in handling tears that take place within the fur pelts. When done incorrectly, repairing these rips can result in bald patches that are obvious when you wear the coat.
What If the Damage Is Too Severe?
There are instances where damage to vintage fur coats or other real fur coats becomes too severe to be repaired properly. Perhaps the previous owner didn’t use proper mink coat storage or maybe your family member didn’t take good care of the coat. Regardless of the cause of the damage, fur restyling can be a great way to restore a fur coat without losing its functionality. If larger areas are damaged, you may be able to take the fur coat and transform it into something smaller, such as a fur cape, hat, handbag or even a pillow. These options will allow you to hold onto the fur, especially if it’s passed down from family members, without having a fur coat you can no longer wear.
Proper Maintenance Can Prevent the Need for Repairs
As the weather warms up, fur coats find themselves in the back of the closet, waiting for the frigid days of winter to return. If you want to avoid fur coat repair the next time you want to wear your coat, it’s important to take good care of it in between. Mink coat storage is essential to ensure you coat is kept in a controlled environment throughout the hot, humid summer months. It’s also important to allow your fur coat to air dry naturally after it gets wet. Learning how to take proper care of your coat will allow you to keep your furs in great shape for longer.
Real fur coats are a valuable investment that should be protected. If you aren’t taking the right steps to keep your fur coat looking its best, you are increasing the chances of needing fur coat repair in the future. When your fur coat has become damaged, it’s important to know where to turn to get the quality repairs you need. A professional furrier has the experience and tools necessary to keep your fur coat in great shape.
If you’re looking for a furrier to perform fur coat repair, contact us. We can restore your fur coat to its former glory and keep it protected in our fur storage facility.