If you have a vintage fur coat in a style you no longer like, you don’t have to be stuck with it. Like all other areas of fashion, the style of real fur coats can change dramatically, leaving you with something that is badly out of style. Unless you are willing to wear vintage fur coats as they are, which is the preference of some people, you can get fur restyling to help change the look of an older fur and increase its longevity. Knowing how to wear real fur can help you decide which restyling options you should consider.
Shorten the Coat
If you look at many of the older real fur coats, you will find they were made in a much longer style than is typically seen in today’s real fur coats. If you are happy with the overall look of the coat, you may want to consider shortening as your fur coat restyling technique of choice. Reducing a floor-length coat to one that falls to your waist or even your knees can create a more trend-setting look than your typical vintage fur coats without drastically changing the look of the coat.
Vests and Wraps
Not everyone is interested in wearing a full fur coat. The good news about fur restyling is you can change your fur coat into just about anything you can imagine. While it’s difficult to make a fur longer or larger because of the complexity of matching up pelts, making it smaller and removing material is one of the easiest things your furrier can do. Consider transforming that outdated fur coat into something smaller you can wear for more occasions, such as vests and other types of wraps that will help keep you warm and enhance your sense of style.
Add Something Extra
There are many options to add something as part of fur coat restyling. For instance, if your vintage fur coat doesn’t have a hood, you may be able to select a different type of fur or another material to add a hood to the fur coat. Another option can be lining the cuffs and collar with another type of fur to accent the existing coat or even adding buttons or zippers where there previously weren’t any. Your furrier will be able to advise you on the changes you can make and which ones would look best.
Make Fur Accessories
If you no longer want vintage fur coats, you aren’t restricted to getting rid of it. For instance, if it is a precious family heirloom you are afraid you won’t have the occasion to wear, you can select a number of fur accessories to be made from the coat. Because many of these accessories require smaller amounts of fur, you can likely make everything you want from one fur coat, especially if it’s longer. With fur restyling, you can transform your real fur coat into a handbag, ear muffs, hat or a number of other accessories. You can even have the fur made into decorative pillows or a blanket for your home.
Shearing Is an Option
Sometimes its the length of the fur that can be a problem. If you aren’t happy with the way your fur coat looks, you can talk to your furrier about shearing it. Just like farmers shear sheep, fur shearing shaves away the longer guard hairs on your fur coats so you can enjoy a shorter length to the hairs. Since the shearing removes the often rough guard hairs, you will be left with a soft coat everyone will envy.
If you don’t know how to wear real fur or you are tired of the vintage fur coats you already own, don’t fret. With the help of fur coat restyling, you can get the beautiful fur you’ve always wanted. A professional furrier can take just about any type of real fur coat and either make minor changes to the style of the coat or completely transform it into different products entirely. The choice is entirely up to you.
Do you have vintage fur coats in a style you don’t like? Contact us. Our professional furrier can discuss all of the options available for fur restyling.