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Morris Kaye vintage fur coatsThere are all sorts of vintage fur coats for you to choose from as you peruse the market, whether you’re looking for a specific color, cut or fabric—but some types of fur are more well-known than others. Case in point: how familiar are you with mouton fur? It’s okay if you haven’t heard of it! Quite a few fur enthusiasts have never worn or heard of this particular type of fur. Luckily, the purpose of this blog is to tell you all about mouton and why it may be worth adding to your wardrobe. Keep reading to learn more!

So, What Is Mouton?

At first glance, “mouton” may seem awfully familiar to another word to you: “mutton.” However, the similarities between these two words are purposeful, and extend far beyond just sounding alike. Much like mutton, mouton (you’d say it as “MOO-tawn”) is produced from sheep. However, mouton differs quite a bit from your standard sheepskin coat in several ways.

What Sets Mouton Apart?

The difference between regular sheepskin and mouton isn’t so much in how it’s made or obtained, but in how it appears as well as its texture. When you feel the fur of most sheep, it’s coily and rough. Mouton is quite the opposite. When you brush your hand across a mouton pelt, you will instantly be met with a texture that is far more plush—not unlike sable fur or something similar. Many buyers and sellers compare mouton to other vintage fur coats, such as mink, in terms of its texture and quality.

What is the Appeal of Mouton?

You may be wondering why mouton has obtained any shred of popularity, other than its similarity to the world’s most sought after forms of real fur jacket. Are its textural likenesses all there is, or are there more reasons as to why mouton stands out against sheepskin coats and other apparel? We’ll go over some of the other top reasons below.

  • It’s easier to care for. One of the few drawbacks to owning a real fur jacket is the amount of upkeep involved. You must take particular heed and care of any piece of fur apparel you own to ensure its longevity. Mouton fur is, in comparison, much more low maintenance. You won’t have to worry about accidental spills or cloudbursts erupting all over a mouton coat, as they’re naturally more resistant to water.

  • It’s affordable. While mink fur coats are undeniably gorgeous and highly requested, they also come with quite the hefty price tag. So hefty, in fact, that it remains outside of many fur enthusiasts’ budgets! If this description fits you, you may be pleased to learn mouton offers the same texture and quality at a mere fraction of the price.

  • It’s less controversial. Much like wool, mouton can be harvested from sheep without ending their lives first. If you love the aesthetic fur fashion brings, but worry about the lives of the animals that give us our fabulous coats and hats, mouton can be a viable and equivalent option!

If the idea of mouton apparel appeals to you, you can turn to Morris Kaye Furs in Dallas and San Antonio to help you find a piece to buy! Be sure to contact us to learn all about our services and inventory.