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Morris Kaye vintage fur coatsIt’s no secret that there’s a lot of controversy surrounding vintage fur coats. Since about the 1990s, activists have launched a crusade against this lovable trend, framing it as unethical and harmful to both animals and the environment. To give people access to the same gorgeous look, but in a more “ethical” way, fashion leaders came up with faux fur. The “faux” aspect is supposedly the ethical part of wearing this type of fur, as it is made of synthetic fibers that mimic the look and feel of fur while not being the real thing. At the same time, many environmental experts have come forward with arguments of their own regarding the faux vs. real fur debate. Which of the two is truly better for the environment? Read on to find out!

The Truth About Faux Fur

According to studies conducted by the various environmental experts, faux fur isn’t nearly as environmentally friendly as it may seem! While faux fur isn’t the real thing, meaning no animals are harmed in its creation in any way whatsoever, faux fur is also a much more permanent substance. Synthetic materials are designed to last forever. This means, should anything happen to you or your faux fur coat—whether you pass it on to a loved one as a gift or piece of inheritance, or you simply don’t want to own it anymore—it will not rot and will be very hard to dispose of. There’s a much higher chance that your coat will be left to collect dust and grime in a closet or a landfill. Compare this to a mink fur coat which, because it is made of natural materials, will eventually decompose as time wears on.

In the Case of Vintage Fur Coats

It’s true that vintage fur coats are created from animal fur which, unfortunately, is sometimes obtained through less than ethical means. However, there’s one major factor that could help fur come out on top. There are two types of resources we use on a regular basis: nonrenewable and renewable. “Nonrenewable” resources are those that cannot be obtained and replenished easily. “Renewable” resources are much easily to produce consistently, and are typically pulled from nature. Vintage fur coats fall into the latter category. Farms exist across the world, all of which serve the purpose of breeding the very animals we use for our fur coats.

Our Verdict

So, is your mink fur coat an asset to environmentalism or not? The truth of the matter is it depends! Part of the ability of your fur coats to contribute to environmental health involves your decisions as a consumer. Do you buy fur with the intent to wear it frequently, or do you purchase clothing on a whim but never let it see the light of day after the fact? Vintage fur coats are proven to be more environmentally friendly, partly due to the fact they’ve been around for so long and no current resources had to be sacrificed to create them. However, no fur coat can live up to their true, beneficial potential unless they’re worn and properly cared for.

Morris Kaye Furs in Dallas and San Antonio can discuss with you the best option for your fur fashion needs. Contact us to sample our inventory and learn how we can help you take care of your fur coats.