People have been wearing fur for thousands of years. It would seem like all questions about fur would have been answered by now, but the legacy of fur itself raises plenty of legitimate questions. There are many different types of fur coats available, and each one is unique in its own way. Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions we receive at Morris Kaye Furs in Dallas.
Why is Fur So Versatile?
The average person may have the perception of fur as simply being a coat, vest or jacket. While these are extremely popular, there are plenty of uses for fur as well. Things like fur scarves, fur hats, gloves, wraps and even home accessories like rugs and blankets make fur one of the most versatile items you can own. Most fur is naturally strong and durable, making it easy to use or wear for any occasion.
What Are The Most Common Types of Fur?
Not all fur is created equally, and there are plenty of different types of fur coats to choose from. The most common types include rabbit, chinchilla, mink, fox and more. Each of these types serve different purposes, have their own level of warmth and comfort and also come at different price points.
Can Both Men And Women Wear Fur?
Yes! Fur is also versatile enough to be worn by both men and women, no matter what their tastes in style are. Most vintage fur coats look great on all body types, regardless of gender. And to take it a step further, fur isn’t reserved only for celebrities. Even though fur is most commonly seen on the red carpet, it’s versatile enough for anyone to wear to work, events or even just a night out.
What Should I Consider When Buying Fur?
When you’re looking at the types of fur coats available, it’s worth your time and effort to conduct research on the items you’re interested in. Your fur is an investment and will look great for many years down the road, so ask your sales professional as many questions as you can. Most considerations include the type of fur, how you’ll wear the fur, how long you plan to keep it, personal comfort, style preferences and pricing.
How Should You Take Care of Fur?
Cleaning, maintaining and storing vintage fur coats require more effort than a regular jacket. A professional cleaning should be completed at least once a year to ensure it remains in good shape. Storing your fur is also tricky since it may react adversely to certain temperatures or storage situations. Professional storage is typically recommended to guarantee your fur looks great for years to come.
Morris Kaye Furs in Dallas is here to answer any questions you may have about your existing furs or any new ones you plan to invest in. It’s important to ask these questions so you know exactly how to care for your fur and what other considerations to make when investing in a new fur. It’s only natural to have a lot of questions, so contact us at any time and we would be happy to answer any and all of yours.