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Buying and wearing a real fur coat should be a great experience you can enjoy at any time. However, depending on what you’ve read or heard, you might feel like you’re limited in where you can wear yours. A large part of this misconception comes with seeing celebrities and high-profile people wearing different types of fur coats walking down the red carpet on television. But the truth is you can wear all types of furs wherever you want and whenever you want. Here are some of the most common unwritten rules of fur you might have heard of and why you should break them in 2022 and beyond.

Furs Can Be Worn Indoors

You don’t have to take your real fur coat off immediately once you enter a building. There are several different ways to wear real fur indoors even if you don’t feel comfortable wearing a full real fur coat indoors, however. You could consider investing in a fashionable real fur vest that pairs well with casual or some formal wardrobes. Or you could incorporate real fur accessories that can be used if you want to make a fashion statement or if you just love the comfort of having a fur scarf or shawl wrapped around you. Regardless of your feelings in this regard, do what makes you happy and wear your furs indoors.

Wear Your Furs In Casual Environments

Contrary to popular belief, you aren’t limited to wearing furs only when you’re attending formal events. It’s perfectly fine to wear a real fur coat for a night out with friends. It’s equally acceptable to wear it to your office or when you’re going to a shopping mall. In fact, some types of fur coats often look better paired with jeans rather than a formal evening gown. When you find the right type of fur you like aesthetically and for comfort, you can wear it to the most casual events without hesitation.

Fur Doesn’t Have To Be The Focal Point Of Your Outfit

Wearing your furs how you want can mean they don’t have to be the focal point of any outfit you have on. For example, you can simply have a fur collar on your jacket, or you might have real fur accessories like a fur hat, fur scarf, or other items. Sometimes you might have a place to go where you want to look stylish, but not necessarily make a fashion statement. That’s where incorporating real fur accessories comes in to help provide a balance. The bottom line is your furs can be worn subtly and you don’t have to be looking to turn heads every time you wear yours.

Be Comfortable Every Time You Wear Your Furs

Furs are some of the most comfortable pieces of clothing you’ll ever wear, so you should feel comfortable wearing them anywhere. Never let the unwritten rules or misconceptions about furs stop you from showing your personality in your wardrobe. If you want to wear your real fur coat to work, then do it. Or if you want to be decked out in various real fur accessories, do what you need to feel comfortable. You have the opportunity to mix and match different styles to find what you like most, so don’t let anyone else tell you what you can or can’t do when it comes to wearing furs.

Morris Kaye & Sons is here to help you break all the unwritten rules of fur in 2022 and beyond. Whether you’re shopping for your first real fur coat or if you are looking to add another piece to your collection, we’ve got you covered with a large selection to choose from. We even have a wide variety of real fur accessories to help you complete a particular look you might have been aiming for. Our professional furriers are here to help in any way we can, so visit our store or contact us today if you have any questions relating to furs.