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It’s not uncommon to see many types of fur coats when you’re out and about on any given day. However, this was not always the case decades ago, and especially not centuries ago. Furs have a long and storied history and have gone through plenty of ups and downs in popularity and accessibility. And even though a real fur coat is more accessible today than it has ever been, there’s still an element of luxury that they have. The evolution of furs is a fascinating one and we’ve examined some interesting points to help you understand the history of furs.

When Did Furs Become Popular?

Humans have dressed in furs since the beginning of time and were once known as a necessity rather than a luxury. Fur trade was very popular around the 1500s in certain areas of the world. The popularity slowly made its way to North America and the demand for different types of fur coats peaked during the 1800s. However, production could not keep up with the demand during this time, which led to a decrease in popularity for a short time before another solution was developed.

High Demand Led To The Emergence Of Fur Farms

Both men and women wore furs as far back as the 11th century. Furs were viewed as a symbol of status, prestige, and riches back then and were rarely worn just for style or comfort. When the demand for furs rose, the emergence of fur farms was developed in the late 1800s in North America. It was also around this time when real fur accessories, jackets, and vests were developed since fur production had never been higher. These fur farms have only evolved over the years to the point now where furs are more accessible than they’ve ever been.

Furs Became Luxury Fashion In The 1900s

Around the mid-1900s is when we first started seeing celebrities and other high-profile people wearing different types of fur coats. This caused the price of furs to rise significantly to the point where the average person couldn’t afford them. However, this trend did not last long and by the mid-to-late-1900s, furs were more affordable than ever before. This price reduction led to furs becoming more popular, but it also led to faux furs being produced at higher rates. 

As Technology Has Evolved, So Has Furs

Technology has evolved significantly in the past several decades, and furs have adapted to the technological trends. The process of manufacturing furs has never been more streamlined than it is today, making furs very accessible. However, despite the easy accessibility of furs and being affordable for a large portion of the population, they still have a certain luxury feel to them. The difference now is people have access to real fur accessories that can transform an average outfit into one that looks and feels more luxurious. You don’t have to buy an elegant real fur coat today to make a fashion statement since there are plenty of other fur options available.

Morris Kaye & Sons understands and appreciates the history of furs and their evolution. Every fur produced today holds a special meaning for the person who purchases it. And while the mass production of furs might take away some of the luster for certain people, they are still widely regarded as being a luxury item. 

We offer fur styling in Dallas so you can find exactly what you’re looking for. From real fur coats to vests, jackets to accessories, and anything in between, we have you covered. And if you want to understand more about the history of furs and how they’ve become what they are today, our professionals would be glad to spend some time talking with you about it. Our goal is to ensure you find the exact fur you’re looking for, whether you want to make a fashion statement or simply have a comfortable real fur coat to wear on a cold day. Don’t hesitate to visit our store or contact us to learn more.