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Are you disappointed that the cooler months have come to an end because you can’t wear your furs anymore? You don’t have to be! When you get creative, you can enjoy wearing furs year-round even in the warmest months. This could mean buying real fur accessories or taking advantage of fur coat restyling if you have a coat you don’t wear as often anymore. Furs are some of the most comfortable and stylish garments you can wear, and here are some creative ways you can incorporate them throughout the spring and summer.

Try A Real Fur Vest For The Ultimate Style

A real fur vest can be one of the most popular items you wear. If you buy a lighter real fur vest, like mink or fox, you can wear it for style without being uncomfortable. Most people choose a subtle appearance when wearing furs during the warmer months so they don’t stand out much. And the best part about a real fur vest is it’s casual enough to be worn on a shopping trip or eating at a restaurant, while also looking professional enough to wear at work. Pair a real fur vest with virtually any other clothing for the ultimate stylish appearance.

Mix And Match Real Fur Accessories

Another option you have is to incorporate real fur accessories into your wardrobe every day. Things like fur keychains, hair accessories, and purses can provide the ultimate style without having to worry about getting too hot during the summer. Get as creative as your heart desires with real fur accessories and you might even start a new fashion trend! It’s amazing how much a single fur accessory can enhance your appearance, which can give you a confidence boost as well to help you get through the day. And there’s also nothing better than coming home to see cozy fur pillows and blankets on your bed or couch any time of year.

Stick With Lighter Colors During Warm Months

Even if you find a lightweight real fur vest, consider opting for lighter colors if you plan to wear it during warmer months. Lighter-colored furs will keep you cooler since they don’t absorb as much sunlight as darker colors. Plus, dark colors are typically worn during the winter months when you want to be bundled up. Spring and summer are for light and fun colors, so consider this when choosing yours. By doing so, you’ll stay comfortable no matter what the temperature is outside, while also meeting your unique style needs.

Opt For Fur Coat Restyling To Expand Your Options

Do you have a fur coat that you don’t wear as much anymore? Instead of donating it or selling it, you can get some additional use out of it with fur coat restyling. Many people have taken their fur coats and turned them into a real fur vest they can wear year-round. Others have converted it into a blanket, pillow, scarf, or anything else they believe they will use more often. Once you get a feel for incorporating furs into your overall style, you can get creative with how you continue using them. Quality fur coat restyling can expand your options so you can be comfortable and stylish throughout the year.

Morris Kaye & Sons is here to help you find exactly what you are looking for with furs. Just because a lot of people store away their furs once winter is over doesn’t mean you have to. Plenty of people wear furs year-round, but you just have to be creative with how you incorporate them. Our experts can help you find real fur accessories to go with your style perfectly. And if you have an old fur coat you don’t wear anymore, we can discuss your fur coat restyling options. We are readily available to help you with your fur needs, so visit our store or contact us at any time and we would be happy to discuss your options.