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You don’t have to shop very long to realize you have an abundance of options when choosing a real fur coat. Part one of our two-part blog series focused on some of the different types of fur coats. Now we want to focus on the details like color options, styles, and lengths you have to choose from. Our goal is to help you make an informed decision so you feel confident in your next real fur coat purchase.

Explore Fur Color Options

When choosing among the different types of fur coats, color is an important component. Here are some things to think about regarding the color of your fur.

Think About Natural Tones

Just because a real fur coat looks great on someone else doesn’t mean it’s a perfect option for you and vice versa. It’s important to consider your natural skin tone, eye color, hair color, and more to find the perfect complement. A subtle contrast is what you should be aiming for. Choosing black fur on a light skin tone might be too much of a contrast, so keep this in mind when shopping.

Dyed Fur Can Personalize Your Appearance

When done properly, dyed fur can offer the ultimate personalized look. And if you have a real fur coat in your closet that you want to change the color of, then fur styling is an option to consider. Your options are virtually limitless when it comes to dyed fur and you can make a major fashion statement if you desire.

Opt For Neutral Colors For More Versatile Fur

Many people opt for neutral colors so they can wear their real fur coats more places. It’s not uncommon for people to wear their real fur coat every day throughout the winter since neutral colors pair nicely with almost any wardrobe type. You have many more options to wear your fur coat when you choose neutral colors like brown, black, gray, and white.

Select Your Fur Style Based On Your Lifestyle

Another important component to think about when choosing a real fur coat is your lifestyle. These styles should be at the top of your list for consideration.

When To Purchase A Real Fur Coat

A real fur coat is typically considered a luxury garment worn to formal occasions. However, with so many options available, you can find some for more casual events as well. If you need to look professional regularly, then a real fur coat might be the best option for you.

Real Fur Vests Are Versatile

Real fur vests are some of the most popular types of furs for good reasons. They can be worn throughout the year and pair well with almost any wardrobe. Real fur vests offer the ultimate style no matter what type of fashion statement you want to make.

Real Fur Accessories Can Bring Together Your Wardrobe

If you’re big on accessorizing your wardrobe, then you have plenty of real fur accessories to choose from. Whether you like purses, scarves, earrings, hats, or anything in between, you can find real fur accessories to complete any look.

Understanding Fur Coat Lengths

Finally, the fur coat length you choose should be a major consideration. Full-length fur coats are typically used for more formal events as they cover your entire body from the neck to the feet. If you’re not thrilled about a full-length coat, then a three-quarter length can provide the same amount of elegance, while balancing comfort. And if you want to go with a more casual look, then you can get a shorter real fur coat that extends to the knee or calf area. The length you choose should be based on how and where you plan to wear your fur, while also balancing comfort. 

Morris Kaye & Sons understands everyone has different styles and it’s our goal to fit real fur coats to those unique styles. We hope our two-part blog series has helped you narrow down your options and provided you with a better understanding of the right type of fur for you. If you have any questions about the different types of fur coats, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.