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The popularity of fur collars has increased significantly in recent years, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon. It’s one of the most versatile fur accessories you can own. It looks great on its own as it’s draped around your neck or worn with a real fur coat. Or it can be used as a blanket to keep you warm on chilly nights. The opportunities for wearing a fur collar are numerous, and here are several styling tips to provide you with some inspiration.

Mix And Match Color Options

Your fur collar can be treated like a real fur coat when it comes to mixing and matching color options. If you want to make your fur collar stand out, then use contrasting colors with your outfit. Or you could also make a bold fashion statement by wearing the same colors. There’s no right or wrong way to approach the various color options available to you. The best part about it is you have the flexibility to be as creative or as subtle as you desire.

Fur Collars Can Be Worn Like Scarves

A popular way people wear fur collars is to think of them like a scarf. Many people choose to bring out their vintage fur coats and wrap a fur collar around their neck to stay even warmer. But if your fur collar is short and is unable to be fully wrapped around like a scarf, then it’s sure to still provide you with enough warmth to get through your day. When you think about your fur collar like a scarf, the wardrobe options you have with it are extensive.

Drape Around The Neck To Act Like A Vest

Depending on the length of your fur collar, you could drape it around your neck so it looks like an open real fur vest. Wearing it this way can open up a whole new world of wardrobe possibilities. You could incorporate the fur collar with jeans and a t-shirt to enhance your style. Or if you want to wear it to work or a similar professional setting, then it can take your regular attire up a notch. No matter where you plan on wearing your fur collar, the perfect outfit is there for you to discover.

Use Your Fur Collar Like A Blanket On Chilly Days

Chilly fall nights are perfect for sitting around a campfire or simply enjoying your backyard. One of the most underrated uses for a fur collar is to use it as a blanket. If it’s long enough, you can cover at least your arms to keep you comfortable. Or shorter collars can be used to keep your hands warm. One thing for certain is any cool outdoor event you have can be made warmer with a fur collar. This is especially true when you pair it with the warmth of a real fur coat.

Let Your Creative Imagination Run Wild

There are no limitations when it comes to how creative you can be with a fur collar! Casual attire can be kept casual when you incorporate it, or you can take your style up a notch. And even when you have a professional or formal event to attend, your fur collar will fit right in and enhance your appearance. So whether you have a fur collar in your closet and aren’t sure what to do with it or if you’re looking to buy one, it’s well worth the investment. 

At Morris Kaye Furs in Dallas, we want to help you feel confident and comfortable wearing all types of fur. Even something as simple as a fur collar can go a long way in enhancing your style no matter the occasion. When you visit our store, our team can help you navigate the different options and help you find the perfect combinations for you. Don’t hesitate to visit our store or contact us at any time to learn more about the possibilities of wearing real fur.