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Some safekeeping practices should be considered if you plan to travel soon and want to take your fur coat or vest. You likely already know how to care for real fur at home, but traveling brings new challenges. Especially if you are traveling by airplane and can’t put your fur in a carry-on bag. Luckily, we’ve got you covered with several essential tips to ensure your fur arrives at your destination looking as good as it always has.

Always Use The Right Container With Soft Padding

When you consider how to care for real fur while traveling, the first thing to consider is the container you will use. A hard-shell suitcase is ideal so it can’t get crushed by something else from the outside. The bigger the suitcase, the better, since your fur shouldn’t be scrunched up. Use soft materials like cotton or similar padding to protect the fur inside the suitcase.

Another thing to consider is to minimize friction as much as possible. If your fur coat has space to move around inside the suitcase, the friction could cause significant damage. When traveling by car, place the suitcase in a space where it can’t move. It would help if you also considered storing the fur in the overhead compartment on an airplane to reduce the risk of damaging it.

Clean Your Fur Before Packing

Cleaning your fur before traveling is essential and it’s ideal to use a professional furrier to do so. It should be cleaned thoroughly as if you are placing it in a short-term real fur storage facility. This will ensure no dirt or debris particles will rub against the fur and cause damage. The last thing you want is to arrive at your destination and discover that your fur coat is shedding.

Never Fold Your Fur Coat

If at all possible, lay your fur coat flat when traveling with it. However, this can prove to be challenging depending on the length of the coat, so take extra precautions if you have no choice but to fold it. When choosing the storage container, consider getting one long enough to avoid the need for folding. Rolling your fur coat is another alternative to folding it since rolling will prevent creases. Alternatively, you can use a garment bag long enough to protect your coat and hang it during your travels.

Keep Furs As Cool As Possible

Just like with long-term real fur storage, your fur should be kept as cool as possible when traveling. The storage container should be kept inside the vehicle rather than in the back of a truck where the sun could heat it up. Natural fur can break down if it is stored in a place where it receives direct sunlight or hot temperatures. Take extra care to ensure the suitcase protecting your fur ends up in the coolest place possible while traveling.

Unpack Your Fur Coat As Soon As Possible Upon Arrival

As soon as reasonably possible upon your arrival, remove the fur from the storage container and allow it to breathe. Hang it in a closet with at least a few inches of space on either side so the natural fur can air out. Inspect your fur coat thoroughly and if there are any creases or other imperfections, be sure to address them immediately. If necessary, make adjustments to your storage container or padding if you notice any damage so it does not happen on your return trip.

Morris Kaye & Sons can help ensure your furs remain in excellent condition to and from your travel destination. It starts with thoroughly cleaning your fur and allowing it to dry so it’s in the best condition possible. We can also suggest some best practices based on your unique travel situation. If you have any questions or concerns about traveling with your fur, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time for assistance.