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Owning a fur coat can be one of the best investments you can make. You get to enjoy quality real fur for as long as you desire, and you can typically get a decent ROI when you no longer want it. When you understand that your fur coat is an investment, you can make the best decisions for your real fur every day. Just like with other financial investments, short-term and long-term thinking are required. Here are some tips and options you have with your fur investment.

Caring For Your Fur Coat As An Investment

When you own luxury fur, you should be mindful of protecting it as much as possible. You shouldn’t treat real fur like any other coat or jacket you have in your closet. It requires more care and cleaning to retain its quality feel and appearance. If you ever want to sell your real luxury fur, it needs to be in great shape. This involves having it cleaned professionally and stored in proper conditions when not being used for a few months at a time. By doing so, you may be surprised at how much your fur investment is worth when it comes time to sell it.

How To Find Your Fur Coat’s True Value?

There are many different factors that go into determining your fur coat’s value. The type of fur is a big factor since some furs are more unique than others. After that, the condition of the fur is the biggest determining factor in the value. Visiting a professional furrier to obtain an appraisal is the most common way to find out your fur coat’s true value. They will inspect the coat inside and out to determine how well it has been cared for and how much life it has left in it. Looking for your fur’s value online isn’t ideal, so save time by locating a professional furrier to get an accurate appraisal.

Options For Selling Your Real Fur Coat

If you knew from the beginning that your fur coat is an investment that you plan to sell eventually, then it’s important to understand your options. You can sell your fur coat on the secondary market on platforms like eBay, but you have to deal with many factors to complete the sale. Those factors include packaging the fur, insuring it, and shipping it. Some people don’t want to deal with these things, so they, instead, choose other options. 

One of the most popular options is to sell your fur investment to a fur shop. Many times, the professional furrier that provided the appraisal will buy the fur from you. While you might not make as much money from it by going this route, it takes away a lot of the work you would have to do selling it on your own.

Restyle Your Fur Coat To Continue Wearing It

If you aren’t satisfied with the appraised value of your luxury fur, then consider keeping it and getting it restyled. A fur coat can be transformed into a fur jacket, vest, hat, or many different accessories. This is a particularly popular approach if vintage fur has been with your family for many years and might show signs of wear and tear. By opting for fur restyling, you can continue enjoying your luxury fur in a different form for many more years.

Pass Your Fur Coat Down To Future Generations

A real fur coat can hold its value for many years. This makes it a good investment to pass down to future generations so they can enjoy it for many years also. With proper care, maintenance, and storage, a real fur coat can be an investment that lasts your lifetime and beyond.

Morris Kaye & Sons is here to help you decide what to do with your fur investment. If you’re at the point where you are unsure whether it’s worth selling your fur, restyling it, or passing it down in your family, contact us and we will walk you through your various options.