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One of the most common misconceptions about furs is they are only for celebrities and high-profile people. It’s true you see a lot of those people wearing different types of fur coats on TV, but there are plenty of options for anyone to enjoy also. Furs are available at different price points, have different color options, and you can even opt for fur accessories. Furs truly are for everyone and here’s what you need to know about the various types of fur coats.

Affordable Fur Options 

A real fur coat has never had so many options and price points to fit virtually any budget. Some of the most affordable types of fur coats are rabbit and fox. Fox fur is fluffy and very comfortable. It’s also lightweight so it can be used even when the temperatures are mild. Fox offers various natural colors, but you may also opt for dyed colors to fit a particular style you’re aiming for.

Rabbit fur is likely the most affordable fur option you’ll find. It’s lightweight like fox fur, but it’s also dense so it will keep you warm when the temperatures are colder. So if you’re looking for a quality real fur coat without breaking the bank, consider fox and rabbit to be good choices to consider.

Luxury Furs Can Make A Fashion Statement

If you’re looking to make a fashion statement for a particular event or just to have a fur coat in your closet for when the moment is right, you’re in luck. As mentioned before, fur coats tend to be viewed as luxury items, so there are plenty of luxury options to choose from. And when you’re looking for luxury, mink fur coats are where you should begin your search. Mink fur is one of the softest types of fur coats you will ever touch. Once you feel the comfort of the fur for yourself, it’s difficult to make another choice. And to add to the benefits, it’s lightweight so it will keep you warm without feeling big, bulky, or heavy. 

Another luxury fur to consider is chinchilla. It’s soft fur with a luxurious appearance and it’s even hypoallergenic. Chinchilla is one of the most expensive fur coats on the market, but you’ll look and feel like a king or queen when wearing it.

Choose The Color That Fits Your Style

Whether you’re sold on mink fur coats or any other type, chances are you’ll have some color options to choose from. If you’re shopping for your first real fur coat, consider opting for neutral colors so you can wear it on multiple occasions. This will give you a good feel for how you prefer wearing your fur coat and then your next option can be a more specific color. Or if your goal is to make a fashion statement, then you can choose bolder colors to achieve your goal. 

Understand How To Maintain Your Furs

No matter what type of fur coat you choose, it’s very important to understand how to maintain it. Fur coats are unlike other jackets or coats and need to follow a specific maintenance routine. Natural fur is tough and durable when taken care of properly. But if it is left damp or trapped in a cluttered closet, then the integrity of the fur could be compromised. Your professional furrier will provide you with maintenance instructions to follow.

Discover The Perfect Fur Type And Never Look Back

Touching and feeling different types of fur coats is the best way to find the perfect option for your style. And once you discover it, you’ll likely know right away. Then you can start thinking about different color options and how you want to wear them. One thing many first-time fur buyers have in common is they never look back and wish they had purchased theirs much earlier.

Morris Kaye & Sons can help you find the perfect fur to fit your style. No matter where you’re at in the fur-buying process, contact us today and we would be happy to help.